Halloween is an equal opportunity holiday. 
Anyone can choose to enjoy the pursuit of candy, role playing, appearance 
alterations, giving and receiving. 

Can you help us continue the annual Squirrel Hill Mini-Station and Town Watch 
HALLOWEEN HAUNTED GARDEN tradition, started by Cynthia Preston?

An immediate need is for Set Decorators. 

On Saturday, October 9, starting at about Noon, we need help moving sets from a 
garage on 48th to our yard at 46th and Springfield.
Adults and some vehicles are most welcome as our daughter took the Van to 
Frisbee Regionals in N.C.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 9 & 10, about Noon to 5 PM, we’ll need 
help installing the major sets and spreading Spider Webbing.

Erecting some sets require a good throwing arm and an understanding of knots.
Other tasks are as simple as tearing open bags to drape spider webs throughout 
the hedge row.  This and ghost making are generally fun projects for 
Parent-Child teams.
I’d love to have small teams of 2 or 3 (friends, families, almost any 
cooperative combination) to make individual sets their own.
Recycled sets that could use some special touches include: Pirate Boat and 
Shark area; Dead Dog Diner; Dental Disasters; PETA’s Pet Peeves; The 
Gallery of Ghouls; The Spider Tower; Porch Monsters; Marcus the Carcass; Horror 
Tree House; the 60' long Basilisk and others.

Other ideas and any donations of any of Webbing, Plastic Pests (rats, insects, 
etc.), Plastic Weapons, Severed Body Parts, Kids Power Tools (especially a 
chain saw), Gauze, Netting, Hay Bales, etc. are welcome.

On Halloween we'll need actors to monitor any lines, distribute treats and 
support the FX of Lights, Screams and Bubbles.
We hope these volunteers will dress up and get their best freak on.  Hamming it 
up is what takes this home grown event to a memorable level.

Last year, PHILLY THRILLER, performed for visitors, in full ZOMBIE regalia and 
their leader, Rashida, promises to bring them back this year.
We also welcome photographers who can make sure every child gets some "star" 
Each year I make a link, so that visitors can view, share, even print their 
This has become a very meaningful part of the experience for families who 
can’t afford cameras or professional photography.
I am delighted when kids tell me about teachers, librarians and neighbors who 
have helped them access their photo(s).

You can find the Halloween Links at my Public Photo-site, which opens to 
thumbnails.  Click on anyone marked Halloween and than click on 
“Slideshow” or any “thumb-nail” to see full height 

Some of the better shots from last year’s event can be reached directly 
Please look at the faces to catch the anticipation of and joy in the event.
The parents often look more frightened than the kids, and it feels great to see 
that almost a fourth of the visitors are Adults walking around with their kids.

Thanks to the generosity of volunteers, and the steady accumulation of reusable 
sets, we can do this event at a cost of about $1.00 / visitor.
Isn’t this a great value for an event that rewards cooperation and 
participation with thrills, frights, giggles and candy delights?
So, if you have any time and creative juices, please, please come by and give 
us a few hours of decorating this weekend.
And, if you are an apartment dweller or someone who doesn’t have a porch 
or kid friendly location, please consider volunteering at our garden, to hand 
out “treats” on Halloween, 10/31, from about 4:30-7:30 PM.  We do 
not want to pull anyone from their own porch.  The more folks handing out 
“treats” the better the evening for the kids who are good foragers.
If you know anyone who might be interested in helping out, or if you have a 
connection to any of the service clubs at nearby Universities, please forward 
contact info.
Also, please pass the word, and remind the neighborhood kids, and inform new 
neighbors, that all are welcome to visit.  
The Garden Gate opens at 5 PM on Halloween.
Thanks for your consideration.
I’m hoping that everyone has a safe and happy Halloween.

Elizabeth Campion
215-790-5653 Desk & Voicemail
215-880-2930 Cell & Emergency
215-546-9781 Shared office Fax

campio...@juno.com  or
home.in.ph...@juno.com for Rental questions
Link to Photos of available Listings and public, 'social' photos:
To check out all PFR and Multiple Listed Properties and 
to review CONSUMER NOTICE, link to
Moms Asked to Return to School
Grant Funding May Be Available to Those That Qualify.

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