
When the "sanctimonious" lies called health care reform were being spread by 
the corporate media and the Democrat/Republican party, we were to believe that 
"waste" and "fraud" were to be stripped from medicare and medicaid systems in 
order to pay for subsidized junk insurance.

Please carefully review this article and temporary reprieve designed to 
continue fooling seniors until the tax cuts for billionaires are forgotten. 
(link below)

As a few of us have been pointing out, the real plan is to convert medicare and 
medicaid to the same type of junk insurance the middle classes are quietly 
being forced to accept.  The trick is to "expand" these programs while 
simultaneously destroying access to actual health care.  

If you wish to start understanding this charade, carefully review this article 
and temporary reprieve.  We can discuss this more.

(Please pray for the profoundly heroic private and Australian.  These 
individuals have renewed hope for humanity.) 

"Congress was under tremendous pressure this time, with medical groups 
estimating that as many as two-thirds of doctors would stop taking new Medicare 
patients. Health care for military members, their families, and retirees was 
also in jeopardy, since Tricare payments are tied to Medicare's."

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