Just drove past abt. 20 mins ago. There was a TV camera guy from WPVI (Ch 6)
and a number of other folks that could have been print/web reporters
(notepads in hand recording comments from individual folks off to the side).
There was also a crowd of about 15-20 folks (not including security) and a
man in the middle of the crowd writing on a notepad. (I was guessing the man
was the designated scribe recording the list of belongings that will
hopefully be retrieved from each apartment?)  Not sure how you can dictate
every important thing you own and need to retrieve from a  home while
standing in a crowd on the sidewalk but I hope this is some help to the
Windermere residents who have already been through so much.

- Naomi

On 2/15/11 3:49 PM, "Ana Kostich" <archange...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I drove by earlier today [10am ish]: there were a lot of people in front of
> the building and also - a TV crew! I only intended to invite the media;
> someone else did it.
> Sorry I didn't pay attention to which station. We'll see [someone will know
> too].
> Ana
> Ana
>> > To: ucneighb...@googlegroups.com; pf...@ccat.sas.upenn.edu;
>> univcity@list.purple.com
>> > Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 13:08:43 -0500
>> > From: mlam...@aol.com
>> > CC: 
>> > Subject: [PFSNI] Fwd: Update from J. Blackwell re: Windermere tenant access
>> **TODAY**
>> > 
>> > Forwarded below is a message received by Kate McGuire, who had written
>> > to thank Jannie Blackwell's office for their work on behalf of the
>> > tenants & pets at Windermere.  It appears that tenants should try to
>> > get to the building today to get access to their possessions.  I'm only
>> > passing it along; I have no other information.  I'm sending to all
>> > email addresses we collected at Saturday's rally, in addition to the
>> > listservs.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Good luck!
>> > 
>> > Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
>> > Urban & Bye, Realtor
>> > 3529 Lancaster Ave.
>> > Philadelphia, PA 19104
>> > cell phone 215-356-7266
>> > office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
>> > 
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: kbmcgu...@gmail.com
>> > To: Melani Lamond <mlam...@aol.com>
>> > Sent: Tue, Feb 15, 2011 12:12 pm
>> > Subject: Update from Blackwell re: Windermere tenant access **TODAY**
>> > 
>> > Melani:
>> > 
>> > I can only assume you also received this message from Councilwoman
>> > Blackwell's office, but I'm forwarding it just in case you have not:
>> > 
>> >  A gentleman by the name of Tom Vail (215) 548-0880
>> > will be on site today from Noon to 3pm and then again from 5pm to
>> > 7:30pm.
>> > Tenants should report to him, tell him your name, apartment number,
>> >  and what you expect to get out of the apartment.  Mr. Vail will have
>> > the belongings bagged and tagged, and turned over to building security.
>> > 
>> > JB Farley has already been contacted, but if you happen to know of
>> > anyone else who might not be in the loop, please forward.
>> > 
>> > Thanks!
>> > All the best,
>> > Kate
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: anjali.chain...@phila.gov
>> > Date: Feb 15, 2011 9:50am
>> > Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Thank you for supporting Windermere residents!
>> > To: kbmcgu...@gmail.com
>> > CC:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Hi Kate,
>> > I have an update for you from the Councilwoman.
>> > As you may or may not know, the Councilwoman advocated for a lawyer
>> >  to file a disposition against the landlord in order for the tenants of
>> > the Court to get their belongings as well as look for pets.  The
>> > Councilwoman
>> >  was successful.  A gentleman by the name of Tom Vail (215) 548-0880
>> > will be on site today from Noon to 3pm and then again from 5pm to
>> > 7:30pm.
>> > Tenants should report to him, tell him your name, apartment number,
>> > and what you expect to get out of the apartment.  Mr. Vail will have
>> >  the belongings bagged and tagged, and turned over to building security.
>> >  Tenants themselves are still not allowed
>> >  inside due because it is unsafe.
>> > 
>> >  Tenants can also contact Tenant Representative,
>> > J.B. Farley at (267) 303-6931 to get the word out and help collect
>> > information.
>> > 
>> > Can you please let other tenants know
>> > this information, if you are in contact with them?
>> > 
>> > You can call our office if you have
>> > questions, but the Councilwoman's re-election announcement is at 1PM
>> > today
>> >  at 3801 Market Street so we will be there with her.  Feel free to
>> > email me anytime though.
>> >  Thanks!
>> > 
>> > Anjali
>> > 
>> > Anjali Chainani, MPH, MSW
>> > Public Relations & Special Events
>> > Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell's Office
>> > City Hall, Room 408
>> > Philadelphia, PA 19107
>> > Phone:  (215) 686 - 3418/3419
>> > Fax: (215) 686- 1933
>> > 
>> > kbmcgu...@gmail.com
>> > 02/14/2011 10:32 AM
>> > To anjali.chain...@phila.gov
>> > Subject
>> > Re: Re: Fw: Thank you for supporting
>> > Windermere residents!
>> > Thank you for your message, Anjali! I was back out there
>> > this morning with my neighbors, and delighted to see Councilwoman
>> > Blackwell
>> > continuing to keep the pressure on to delay the demolition until more is
>> > done for the fire's survivors. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
>> > 
>> > On Feb 14, 2011 10:21am, anjali.chain...@phila.gov wrote:
>> > 
>> > Kate,
>> > 
>> > Thank you for such a sincere and thoughtful
>> > email to the Councilwoman.  She will really appreciate reading
>> > this!!!
>> > She really has been doing all she can to advocate for the victims
>> > of Windermere Court, including the pets!  We are happy to see
>> > at least
>> > someone was reunited with their special family member.  I will
>> > show
>> > your message to her as soon as she gets back from her meeting.
>> > She was out there again this morning
>> > with more residents.
>> > Thanks again,
>> > Anjali
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > This message came to you by way of the Penn-FSNI mailing list:
>> > penn-f...@groups.sas.upenn.edu
>> > To manage your subscription, visit this web page:
>> > https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/penn-fsni

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