On 2/27/2011 3:27 PM, craigso...@aol.com wrote:

Clearly we see this degeneration on the part of out of control government unions, Obama's Czars, White House courtiers, and all his sycophants and looney left opportunists corrupting the foundation of heretofore the world's greatest constitutional based democratic republic.

Hey Hey Ho Ho Obama's gonna go.

Craig's brain was last spotted racing south on 44th St. toward Tony's house. If you have a large net and protective gear, please try to trap it before it gets to the Clark Park dogs!

Ever since the Bush administration, Craig's brain has been suffering from a deficiency of insane stupidity. If you catch it, try giving it some insanely stupid quotes from Tony or Melanie. If that doesn't sooth it, bring out some of the big guns, quotes from Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

We've asked the school district if we can temporarily place Craig's brain in the rubber room at the teacher's jail. Experts have determined that Craig's brain needs an extended stay in a safe rubber environment where it can be surrounded by Sarah Palin quotes.

Neighbors, please help us save Craig's brain.

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