You represented the UCNeighbors list on the UnivCity list so it seems 
appropriate to post your remarks here as well as there, Tony.  It wouldn't hurt 
you to be honest and reply to Glenn's concerns as well as mine but you've 
refused to do so...  You have ignored what you apparently could not answer and 
belittled the rest rather than debate honestly.  My point about sales of park 
lands was a valid one and you must know that, if not you should check it out 
because you really ignored the facts in your emails.  Whenever you are 
non-plussed you become abusive, disinterested, and haughty.  Lots of good 
comments you ignored.  Lists of concerns you represented as a single and 
inconsequential voice of unwarranted dissent.  The uncensored UnivCity list 
here has a long history of your officious behavior for any one to peruse.  When 
the segregated list first started out still under the University of 
Pennsylvania auspices, (as UnivCity still is) it was made to leave because it 
violated democratic precepts that the University had committed to.  Asking you 
for fair treatment certainly hasn't changed things much.  Feel free to change 
that any time treatment you want, but please no more calling others names 
(deranged, disruptive, source of nutty falsehoods, 'nefarious conspiracy 
theory', 'Trump-talk', etc.) and then saying it was all your opponent's fault 
because they abused the list.  It's time to communicte.  Enough Monty Python 
division crap for crap craziness!  When they did it it was funny.  This is not. 
 Shake hands and come out talking!  

Rick Conrad

On May 4, 2011, at 11:44 PM, Anthony West wrote:

> Newcomers to University City who have inadvertently stumbled across this 
> listserve, tricked by its name into thinking it somehow represents the 
> neighborhood of University City, should be warned it is UNMODERATED. 
> Therefore, there is no way of weeding out deranged and disruptive posts.
> UCNeighbors is a MODERATED neighborhood listserve. While everyone is 
> permitted to post on it, deranged and disruptive posts are eventually 
> screened out. That's the chief reason it has become more popular in our 
> neighborhood than the "purple" list, in the past few years. No question, the 
> talk is more sane there!
> You can sign up at
> --Tony West

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