>From Monday's DP:
Another example of the best laid plans of mice (the Penn Real Estate Dept)  
and men going awry. Penn's criteria for pricing and finding tenants for 
their  retail spaces have created a revolving door in many cases. This, on top 
of  providing an example for the impressionable undergrads of that venerable 
 institution about the types of businesses worthy of their patronage. 
Townies  trying to bootstrap themselves into business by the sweat of their 
need  not apply.  

Well, one can hardly expect anything worthwhile from planners in  general 
and from the wonderful folks who tried to bring the neighborhood the  
"extended stay hotel" at 40th & Pine in particular.

Alan Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts  Inc
211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax  215-349-6502
krf...@aol.com or _al.krigman@krf.icodat.com_ 

Marathon Grill at 40th and Walnut closed
by _Grace  Ortelere_ 
(http://www.dailypennsylvanian.com/author/grace-ortelere)  | Monday, May 23, 
2011 at 6:34  pm 
Many students may be sad to learn the University City  location of the 
restaurant Marathon Grill and its lounge MarBar closed their  doors on Monday.

The Marathon Grill located at 200 South 40th Street decided not to renew 
its  lease due to declining business over the last few years, Penn’s Executive 
 Director of Real Estate Ed Datz said in a statement. 
The University City Marathon Grill opened in 2004, replacing a Burger King. 
 “When they came to this location, they brought a renewed vitality to the 
40th  Street corridor, improving the economy, the activity, and safety of the 
area in  conjunction with other neighborhood development in West 
Philadelphia,” Datz  said. 
According to Datz, the University is in the process of searching for a  
proprietor to replace the retail space. 
Marathon Grill has five other locations throughout the city which will stay 
 open, Datz said. Its restaurant at 929 Walnut Street has an affiliated 
lounge,  Upbar. 

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