In a message dated 7/20/2011 2:31:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

So  I’ve confirmed that there are at least two homes near 50th & Baltimore  
that have had mail going missing over the last few weeks. Both homes have  
exterior (unsecured) mailboxes. 
Sadly,  it's not a good idea to have mailboxes that are accessible to any 
miscreants who  happen to wander by. This, whether they're unsecured or have 
key locks --  because it doesn't take much to pry open a locked mailbox 
door. (Tenants  sometimes do it when they can't find their keys!)
We tried using those officially-recommended post-office "key  keepers." 
Small metal boxes locked with keys only postal people are supposed to  have -- 
inside of which is a key to the front door of the building. In theory,  the 
letter carrier gets the key to the building and puts the mail into boxes  
inside. Unfortunately, these are also vulnerable to low-life ... who can then  
not only gain access to the mail but to the inside of the building as  well.
The best solution we've found -- and it's not ideal -- is to  keep the 
outer doors of our buildings locked and have fairly big mail slots in  them. 
mail then gets dropped on the floors of the vestibules. We have  also built 
a shelf in each vestibule and have found our tenants cooperative  when we 
ask them to pick up anything they find on the floor and leave what isn't  
theirs on the shelf for the other occupants.


Alan Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts  Inc
211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax  215-349-6502 or

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