You seem like a sad person. Robert, I was not sufficiently "bombastic" when I only briefly mentioned that the path to real happiness lies in the teachings of the Buddha. I sincerely hope you pick up some literature. Don't think of the dharma as a religion, like the Abrahamic monotheism all around us. Think of it as a way of life and reaching for enlightenment. Also,the path of the Bodhisattva teaches us a willingness to sacrifice some of our personal happiness for the benefit of others, but following one's duty brings a much deeper joy anyway.

This cult of positive thinking that is used to manipulate Americans is very very dangerous. Optimism and joy are real and good. Self delusion and an unrealistic demand to always be happy sets people up for depression, pessimism, and oppression. It's used in the corporate media by the powerful elite to make us helpless consumers. I see the pessimism come through a great deal here in the happy UC paradise. And it allows us to turn our backs on our fellow Philadelphians and except the misery that our military empire causes globally.

"Going with the flow" is not an option for me, since I truly believe that our society and republic is collapsing. I see incredible pain and suffering in the world directly caused by a barbaric economic system and ruthless oppression. I connect the loss of our values and forgetting the meaning of the Amendments to the Constitution for much of that suffering.

I also see the loss of our values right here with the parklet, the gentrification, and the redesign of Clark Park, as we allow our neighboring communities to literally starve while the middle class trades away the rights of future generations. If people don't rise up in their neighborhoods and reclaim what has been lost (that which gave us hope for the future), we have no chance to save the planet or solve the massive suffering around the world. Pretending that parklets and RoundUP are "green" will not make anyone happy. Pretending that transparency and inclusion are not the keystones of all republics will not make anyone happy. (We've forgotten nearly everything about transparency, fairness, and inclusion.) Pretending that lies are truth will not make anyone happy.

I may not be successful with anything, but I cannot be stopped by personal attacks. I plan to stand with our brothers and sisters in Washington this October and start that which the great Kathy Change called the transformation, so maybe the riot police will silence me.

PS: All people have the buddha nature inside of them, and each of us is connected to all life on the planet

On 8/13/2011 5:07 PM, robert rathmann wrote:
Thank you once again for showing us all exactly who you are and why.
You're expert use of the English language and the ability to use it
makes your greatness shine. There is however a bombastic edge that
doesn't go unnoticed.  You do provide us with a great service Mohel
and I can't take that away from you.  I will now take your next wave
of $5 words without further response.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Glenn<>  wrote:

On 8/13/2011 1:56 PM, robert rathmann wrote:
I have not ridiculed you
or your followers.
Rat writes: "Dude... get a life or at least take the time to enjoy the one
you have."

OK  Here is the credit for what you wrote to begin this exchange.  This was
your entire post.  Everyone can see that you are not telling the truth.

It is called ad hominem.  You lamely attempted to attack my personality in
an attempt to silence the serious issues I addressed. You interjected
nothing more. It is considered a fallacy of logic.  It doesn't support your
happiness delusions, nor does it refute anything I said.

This stuff doesn't make you or Van Helder look smart except to each other.
  It is considered an attempt to bully.  It doesn't effect me because I've
been dealing with the FOCP for years and ad hominem is their primary
strategy when they are betraying the people of this community. But it
bullies the people on the listserv who might be intimidated from speaking up
because of jackasses like Van Helder, FOCP leaders, and others who copy

I just insulted FOCP leaders and Van Helder.  That is not the ad hominem
fallacy because I've identified the behavior that deserves those appropriate
insults.  Do you understand the difference?  I shortened your name to Rat to
insult you and I did that because of your use of ad hominem.  Lots of people
dishonestly equate insults with ad hominem when they are trying to deceive
people and then cry out, civility.  Deceptions are not the same as civility.
And insulting the jackasses is sometimes important.  It often helps show
that bullies and oppressors can be confronted.

I would try to get you to reevaluate calling the loss of rights of those
outside your circles, a minor inconvenience. Nor is the misuse of taxpayer
money a minor inconvenience while so many people suffer severe hardships!
  But you don't appear to have sufficient civic literacy or empathy for
others to make the effort worth while.

The reason that Americans are not smiling as much as I do is not a lack of
parklets or ingratitude to dishonest gentrifiers, who you call creative.

Living life fully and honestly,


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