I think the word parklet provides bold symbolism for the "collective hypnosis" of the middle class, as well as the massive propaganda and lies which manipulate it. (Hedges, Capitalism is the Crisis, minute 2:00)

It is patently absurd to point at expanded cafe seating and call it a baby park, a green project, and a neighborhood improvement. This "pilot project" designed to justify looting the Recreation/Streets budget through "public private partnerships" is actually measuring the extent to which people here parrot or resist the "parklet" bullshit!

To accept this parklet lie with "positivity," will demonstrate in the experiment that the people in this neighborhood are hopeless consumers and hopelessly hypnotized! Local civic leaders and real estate brokers can then be used to sing the praises of parklets in the corporate media machine, while the looting of the treasury can proceed on the fast track!

To me, it's more believable that 2 plus 2 is 5, than to believe that cafe seating is a baby park! (Moreover, the subsequent discussion of positivism and negativism on the list, which immediately followed the obvious disbeliefof the word parklet, symbolizes the entrenched hypnotic power and allure of "the cult of positive thinking." Ehrenreich, Bright Sided)

Here is the link to a new and important documentary, Capitalism is the Crisis. It's an excellent overview of neo-liberal corporate driven class warfare. The 2nd full documentary, The End of Poverty, gives a good introduction to classical colonialism and neo-colonialism. (It's time for people in the neighborhood to come out of the trance and join the citizens of the world, who are beginning to fight back.)

Those of us who recognized the processes of dependency, propaganda, and fake charity that were called "revitalization" were not prophets because we saw 2011 University City back in 1999. We recognized the processes in the history of colonialism that has been largely forgotten by the hypnotized and misinformed middle class.

It's time to recognize that we have no rights in Clark Park, the streets, or parklets. Those formerly public assets are all commodities that only exist for the power and enrichment of a tiny group of elites, while the masses are conditioned to accept slavery and helplessness.



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