It may be time again to organize a town watch for the neighborhood(s), since
town watch works the best when it is localized in specific areas.

Joe Clarke

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Summer Still <>wrote:

>  Completely outrageous!
> Too much robbery success in West Philly jungle emboldened the thugs. Not
> just the training ground for entry level type crimes.
> If I don't hear that these two animals are being apprehended, that the
> community is setting cameras to facilitate recognition of criminals and show
> some resistance - soon, then arming oneself will be the only option in
> preparation for heading elsewhere, with decent health care system. less
> global invasion ambition and spending on expense of peoples' welfare [in
> it's true meaning] and education - quiet reachably.
> These might be the same two who were clearly eluding the undercover guys
> up 46th street [out/into Osage, one in seemingly popular pleaded shirt] and
> thus, just a bit in a hurry, last week as I was coming back home, but not
> the same ones who I saw [measuring me the same way though] 15 minutes after
> they robbed my guests on their second successful assault that night couple
> of years ago when white t-shirts were all the robbery fashion rage. What are
> we doing?!
> I cannot reproduce the video for police to see [nor even rerun it for
> details catching] since my head doesn't record that way but we have options
> with technology. What have we been doing?!
> 900 block 48th is a block or two south of our Baltimore 'business corridor'
> with Gold Standard and Calvary Church at that corner. Not acceptable!
> Cannot have 'Penn', UCD or police watch every inch of the neighborhood
> every minute.
> {Steaming...}
> Ana
> ------------------------------
> From:
> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 07:50:44 -0400
> Subject: Re: [UC] Rape at Gunpoint, 900 block of 48th St., 10 pm Tuesday
> night
> To:
> Patty,
>       Was there any official report sent out last night or this morning
> from the Penn police or the police at the precinct at 55th and Pine?
> Mario Giorno
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Patty Bulack <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am distressed to report that a rape occurred tonight on our block.  A
> couple was walking on the east side of 48th St., when approached by 2 teens
> who took them into a nearby backyard at gunpoint.  At that time, the woman
> was raped, and they were then robbed.  The teens are described as African
> American, ages 19 and 15, one about 160 lbs, and the other about 5'2" and
> medium build.  Not much more detail than that at this point, except that one
> of them was wearing a plaid shirt.
> Please be vigilant - obviously it didn't matter that this woman was not
> alone.
> Patty Bulack
> --
> Mario Giorno
> PO Box 30932
> Philadelphia, PA 19104

I think what weakens people most is fear of wasting their strength.
 Etty Hillesum<>

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