folks, this is a thread from the other listserv. if you care about the mangling of trees by PECO, read below and voice your opinion... LL

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bruce Dorpalen <>
Date: October 22, 2011 10:12:47 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [UCNeighbors] City Tree Trim

Many years ago, when we lived on Kingsessing Av., PECO contractors came through and butchered our trees. We complained to many places, but Jannie Blackwell's office came through and PECO ended up cleaning up the mess and providing some landscaping.

PECO's protocol is to cut all branches away from the electric lines. That is why the trees have that weird, carved out look. I talked to the work crew and they are instructed by PECO to do nothing to shape the tree. And they will come back in five years and do it again.

We should be complaining to Jannie Blackwell's office, to UCD, and to 311.


On 10/21/11 10:08 PM, Roger/Vince wrote:

The trees do look as if a tornado or nuclear disaster occurred. I did call Asplundh to complain 1)they stapled their notice to the trees (they really should have known better); 2)all their notices did not reference who put them up (supposedly a city violation) and came down in the rain- I told them that I assumed they would be picking them up and not contributing to their littering – I think this fell on deaf ears!; 3) they just dumped the cut off branches on my front yard and rose bushes (very rude and unfeeling I think!). Well of course the promised call back from them never happened. I think that PECO should be held responsible and that they shouldn’t be contributing to the Kimmel Center for example (although I love the arts!) and should instead be investing in their own infrastructure and putting the lines underground ( Garden Court is I believe all underground) But then that might cut into their profits and they would rather the City pay for it. I guess it is an example of a “company to BIG to be complained about” – why do they have no responsibility to the community and the greening of our neighborhoods?

From: [ ] On Behalf Of Cindy Miller
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 7:57 PM
To: UC Neighbors current ver
Subject: Re: [UCNeighbors] City Tree Trim

Thanks, Frank....

Yes--you can easily see that appearance is not a consideration!

On Oct 21, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Frank Innes wrote:

The tree trimming is being done for PECO not the city. It is done to protect power lines, so appearance is not a consideration.

Frank Innes

On Oct 21, 2011 4:37 PM, "Karen Allen" <> wrote:
I made a point to look at the trees on the west side of 48th just south of Warrington--hideous! The City mangled them so badly that the street would look better if they just took them down entirely.

> On Oct 21, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Cindy Miller wrote:
> > Time for the annual "Butchering of the Trees" on S. 48th.
> >
> > You should see the one @ 48th & Warrington :-(

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