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From: Patty Bulack <>
Date: January 10, 2012 9:30:31 AM EST
Subject: Fwd: Robbery 47th and Chester, 1/4/12 Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Take care near trolley stops!

Hello Everyone,
I sent this out a few days ago to our e-mail list that has been focusing on crime. Someone on that list suggested that I send this out to the uc listserv which is why you are seeing this now. After I sent it out, several intiatives have sprung up of neighbors wanting to walk/ride bikes to keep an eye on trolley stops. There have also been interesting discussions about other solutions. If you want to read that please send me your e-mail and I will add you to our google group so you can. Or if you want to participate in these new "watch" initiatives.
PS Officer Vallette told me that one kind of suspicious behavior that you should call in is if you notice someone matching description sitting or standing at a trolley stop who lets 1 or 2 trolleys go by without concern to get on (i.e. not looking down the street, etc...). When the police see that they always take the opportunity to get the persons' names and ask casually what they are doing... helps to send a message that they are being watched. Please call that in as suspicious behavior, as it is likely to result in questioning in most cases that can send a message...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patty Bulack <>
Date: Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 10:40 AM
Subject: Robbery 47th and Chester, 1/4/12 Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Take care near trolley stops! To: Drew Matter <>, ,

Hello All,
Here is my cut and paste from of this incident, FYI.

01/04/2012 05:31 PM. Robbery: Highway No Weapon. Premises: Highway (Outside Structure) Case number: 201218000593.

I later called Officer Vallette to get more information about this, and he told me that the complainant (police language for victim) was walking past the trolley stop at 47th and Chester ( I don't know which corner), and two young African American men who appeared to be waiting for the trolley committed a "strong arm" robbery (meaning without a weapon). I don't know if he was hurt, or what was taken. They were both wearing red hoodies. I asked Officer Vallette if this fits any kind of pattern, and he said yes. There appears to be targeting of those coming off/waiting for trolleys, and those walking past trolley stops (as in above). This fits what happened to Stephen Fisher when he walked past the trolley stop at 46th and Baltimore, where the two assailants were standing as if waiting for a trolley. The two incidents recently at 47th and Baltimore also fit this scenario, according to Officer Vallette. In all cases, including the recent one on the 900 block of Farragut near Mood Cafe, two robbers were involved.

My take aways are:
Be extra observant at trolley stops, especially after dark. If someone's behavior, manner, dress (especially if there are two together) makes you uncomfortable, don't ignore that feeling. Keep observing to decide if you need to change your plans. Just because they appear to be waiting for a trolley, doesn't mean you should turn off your inner alert system. But educate that alarm system! Learn what cues let you know when people are socializing, and not threatening, and what would make you uncomfortable (obviously a longer discussion, but wanted to get this out there...) If you are concerned, take steps to be met at the trolley stop by a friend or neighbor, especially after dark. We can work together on that! (Send me an e-mail with your usual arrival times and I'll see if there is anyone who can meet you - can't hurt to try!), It seems to be a little harder to get the timing right with UCD bike ambassadors but they may be worth a try as well (215 898-.WALK). I am willing to entertain organizing a focused "town watch" at trolley stops (48th, 47th, 46th and Baltimore; 47th, 48th and Chester). At least until someone is arrested who may be responsible for this. Anyone want to do this with me???? How about sitting in cars, or somewhere nearby, or visibly on the corners as teams to deter criminal intentions? For the hours from 5 to 9? Any ideas? What do you think? In your normal travels, especially if you are a dog walker, be extra observant at those corners - or even intentional about going past them just to see if anyone is acting suspiciously. If you do see something, call 911, and me (215 906-0243) and I will forward to the list after talking with you.

Thats about it for now. I apologize for the delay in getting this out to you - my life has been extremely busy with the ending of Ian's show, and the beginning of the next one (he will be at the Constitution Center on Jan. 16th). On top of that when I had a minute to spare, my internet was down! I have been very anxious to let you all know about this, so please forgive any oversights in this communication, or not-completely-thought-through ideas... And please give me your feedback and ideas! I think we should be proactively responsive to this incident.


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