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From: Patty Bulack <>
Date: January 22, 2012 9:10:41 AM EST
Subject: [UCNeighbors] Found books scattered on the corner of 48th and Springfield 8 am this morning (Sunday)..... Robbery?

Hello All,

We have had a rash of robberies in our neighborhood, and so I am more vigilant about unusual circumstances. This morning while walking my dogs, I found about 5 books scattered on the corner and into the street at 48th and Springfield. One of the titles was "Latin American Visions". Does anyone know of someone who is missing their backpack and/or books? I am concerned that there was a robbery and the contents dumped while the robbers made a getaway, as happened last week on Windsor Ave (one block away). The police came and took the books away, and so if you know who is the owner of these books, have them call the 18th District at 55th and Pine to recover the books and connect the dots between themselves and what I reported this morning. I didn't think to look through them myself for identification, but I will in the future so I can try to contact the owner myself.

Also, it was very effective to have two of us calling 911 this morning. After I called 911, I called Bruce Dorpalen who is on our list, and he followed up my call by asking to speak to the supervisor and stating firmly why we needed someone to come right away. I definitely think that helped me to get a timely response (20 minutes). We also talked about being Town Watch. I asked Nick Lai if I should stay on the scene, and he said yes, and after staying to talk to the officer I agree - we needed to explain the significance and who we were and why we had called it in (Bruce had joined me by then). The officer who came had not heard about our Town Watch, and didn't seem aware that there have been a significant number of robberies right around here. So it took him a minute to realize that it might not be just weird trash!

Thanks all - I will be following up with a report about what was shared with us at the last Community meeting with Lt. McBride at Calvary on Thursday. Also, if you know who these books belong to, please feel free to direct them to e-mail me if they want to talk more about it.

Patty Bulack

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