H.R. 2990: National Emergency Employment Defense Act 

Congressman Kucinich has introduced the NEED Act of 2011, a landmark bill to:

            Create millions of well-paying private sector jobs and rebuild 
America’s infrastructure

            Pay off the national debt as it comes due

            Reduce federal deficits or even eliminate them

            End the fiscal crisis at Federal, State and local levels

            Make the U.S. dollar a stable currency which maintains its 
purchasing power over time

All without raising taxes or borrowing.


           Puts the Federal Reserve (Fed) into the Department of Treasury 
(Treasury) to make our monetary policy truly accountable to Congress and the 
American people.

            Ends the banks’ special privilege by no longer allowing them to 
create our money supply when they make loans, through a simple and 
non-disruptive accounting change.

            Invests money to renew our crumbling infrastructure, making it fit 
for the 21st Century; creating real wealth and millions of good jobs at the 
same time.


The conflict of interest between private ownership of the 12 Fed banks and 
management of our nation’s monetary policy is ended by incorporating the Fed 
into the Treasury.  The Fed is put on a budget and made accountable to the 
American people.

A separate Monetary Authority (part of Treasury) made up of experts is made 
responsible for managing monetary policy.  Its governing principle is to ensure 
that the money supply is sufficient to meet the demand in the economy, and is 
not inflationary or deflationary (i.e., the purchasing power of our money 
remains stable).  The Fed executes monetary policy actions.

Banks continue to make profits by lending money that savers and investors make 
available to them for that purpose.  Banks may also borrow from the Treasury.

The Monetary Authority advises Treasury how much money is needed in the 
economy.  Treasury advises Congress how much recycled or new money is required 
to pay off debt (as it comes due) and supplement existing revenues to fund 
infrastructure renewal, grants and loans to State and local governments, 
education and other priorities, as appropriated by Congress.

Congress uses its Constitutional power to authorize Treasury to issue money to:

Pay off the national debt as it comes due.  This releases funds for investment 
in the private sector to generate more economic activity and revenues – helping 
to balance everyone’s budget.

Invest in 21st Century infrastructure renewal.  This keeps skills and 
technology at home and makes the whole economy work more efficiently, assuring 
competitive advantage.

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