I always knew that the touted Medicaid expansion of the so called health care reform would never be a reality. The medicaid system is nearly destroyed anyway, and the ACA bill was designed for K St. and Wall St. to take any real advances out, leaving only the health insurance bailout. But this is exactly the way the nightmarish Supreme Court pushed Citizen's United on us!!! Corporate personhood wasn't the narrow issue before them, but they slipped it in on their own! This is the first I've learned about this, but this maneuver portends serious trouble!

"So why did the Court decide to review this claim?"

"...In contrast to the claims against the ACA's minimum coverage provision, there was no split in lower court rulings on the constitutionality of the Medicaid expansion: not a single lower court judge ruled for the states on this claim. Indeed, no court has /ever/ ruled that /any/ Spending Clause statute is unduly coercive, a recognition that it is difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between an appropriate financial inducement and unconstitutional coercion. So why did the Court decide to review this claim?...

...As a result, a ruling for Clement and his clients would throw into doubt prior expansions of Medicaid and federal/state partnerships across a wide range of areas including education (No Child Left Behind), child welfare (Adoption and Safe Families Act), disabilities (Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act), and civil rights (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972), a prospect that has some conservatives cheering <http://volokh.com/2012/03/20/a-bug-or-a-feature/>..."


Health care is a human right, medicare for all,
PS: The savings to the economy of medicare for all, are thought by some, to be the best single solution for economic problems. Of course, I would say ending the military empire would be the best thing for the economy and humanity.

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