12:00 noon Rally at Rittenhouse
1:00 – Know Your Rights to Occupy, Jody Dodd
4:00/5:00 – Arrive at Independence Mall
7:30 – Interfaith Service
Evening – Drum circle dance party
Midnight - Lenape Heirloom Seed Workshop, Nate Kleinman
SATURDAY – a day of education, action and fun
10:00 AM – Noon: Unfinished Revolution: A Comparative History of the American Revolution and the Occupy Movement, Nate Kleinman (week one of ongoing series) 12:00 noon – Women’s Caucus Discussion: What is a 'safer space' and why are we drawn to it as a concept, Why are womens issues important? The intersecting of women’s and people of color issues. 1:00 PM: Intro to on-the-ground Citizen Journalism, Dustin Slaughter (bring your smart phone) 2:30: Criminology Theories and Race – Facilitated discussion of theories of why people commit crimes and the impact the existence of these theories has on minority/low socioeconomic communities, Kurt Alford Fowler 4:00 Discussion: Re-Framing the General Assembly: Community and Coordination
5:30: Dinner
7:00: General Assembly – Discussion & Vote on National Gathering
Evening: Drum Circle Dance Party!
9:00 AM – The Sermon on the Mall: Communion and Revolution Larry Swetman

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