On 4/25/2012 7:22 PM, Wilma de Soto wrote:
Don't hide behind some sort of bogus civil rights crusade; it's offensive
and those of us who are on the front lines know better.

Millions of dollars for consultants, but WE have to buy our own paper,
printer toner, school supplies etc. out of our pockets.  That's right; out
of our pockets so we can try to do our jobs!  They are bleeding us dry
with giving funds to charters, unaccountable fat superintendent's
contracts, deals for Board members and their clients, a regular gravy
train off the backs of teachers and students.

With every new administration more money is bled, more is cut and less
gets to the actual people who need it.  Now they want it ALL!  Looks like
they will get it, too.

Teachers should not feel alone anymore! Many different people around the country have been feeling despair. The occupy movement has reminded many of us that the people are not willing participants in these bullshit power plays for the plutocracy. We need to stand together in non violent solidartity and save the world for future generations of humans!

Peace and solidarity,
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