Tony West sent these very clear and useful answers to my Park questions...  if 
someone wants to post them on ucneighbors (I can't since Kyle banned me from 
that list) please feel free to do so.  Thank you again Tony West!

Begin forwarded message:

> 1) No picnic permit is required for a dozen people. By the same token, an 
> unpƩrmitted group cannot reserve a specific space for a picnic unless it 
> applies for a "Picnic Permit". But you'll have to pay P&R a fee for this 
> reservation. If you don't want to pay a fee to reserve a particular site ... 
> then spread out your blanket anywhere in the park, and enjoy your picnic with 
> no bureaucracy or cost, if your group is under 50. If your group is larger 
> than 50, a Picnic Permit is required and P&R will specify a site for your 
> affair.
> 2) Picnics are not required to carry insurance.
> 3) 2012 picnic fees look like they're relatively fixed, compared to the other 
> kind of permit ("Event Permit"). It is unlikely you can negotiate them much.
> 4) There is no language in the new P&R regulations pertaining to political, 
> religious or socialization purposes.
> 5) Costs/mandates for films or concerts vary widely according to their size, 
> scale of City services required, and sponsorship. For details, read 
> 6) Insurance is required for events larger than 50. Applicants who do not 
> possess general liability insurance may be eligible to acquire the 
> appropriate insurance through the City's Office of Risk Management.

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