Yesterday, Glenn Greenwald mentioned the history of the Patriot Act on   When the Patriot Act first came out, there was a great deal of opposition to it. But each time it was renewed, the renewal became more bipartisan and routine. This step in the fascist transformation, the patriot act, has been accepted and normalized through the bipartisan charades in our duopoly.

Similarly, the next year or two need to be viewed as the normalizing years, as Philadelphia parks are transformed into corporate rental venues. All culture that is not transformed into commercial consumer culture will eventually be eliminated from the privately controlled parks and public spaces in Philadelphia.

So this first year of waivers from the prohibitive rental fees, under the new "permit requirements," must be understood within the neoliberal normalizing model.

Neoliberal normalization defined: Normalizing is a tactic of deception, utilizing multiple steps over an extended time period, to put in place radical policies which would be overwhelmingly unpopular, if the true goals were understood at the beginning.

Example of Normalization:  The creation of the Clark Park Partnership and the redesign of Clark Park is an example of a 7 year normalization period employed to overcome massive community opposition! During the normalization period, the Friends of Clark Park leaders ruthlessly defended secrecy, exclusion, and misinformation to create helplessness and disorganization among the locals, while the unpopular park redesign and privatization of control were normalized by UCD. 

When the rental waivers for any remaining independent community and cultural stakeholders in Philadelphia are removed in the next few years, the massive propaganda machine will insist that the park rental fees existed from the beginning of time. The chronic crisis to "raise revenues" and resist "welfare" will intimidate any small and ignored complaints from isolated vicitms, when their waivers are quietly denied.

I expect that all groups not directly tied to the corporate pawn organizations, like the Friends of Clark Park, will be destroyed next year. The pawn groups, FOCP/SHCA, will go another year with waivers but then they too will need direct corporate sponsors for their activities. Their leaders will be forced to sell this corporate sponsorship model to their other members, because these civic association leaders are so dependent on the UCD/CCD, special services complex, that they can't stand up to them now. And for those individuals, who sold out the rest of us; they know that younger plutocrat wannabees will use the same tactics against them in the propaganda machine, as they used against the whistleblowers of the past decade!  Eventually, special service districts will receive the only waivers from park rental fees, along with their open ended taxpayer funded grants.

The plutocrats know that the tactic of normalization has been highly successful, as America is gripped in a fascist freefall!  They depend on their ruthless pawns like Fox, MSNBC, CNN, FOCP/SHCA to relentlessly attack the truth and whistleblowers, while the step approach fools the middle class.  As the reality of this consumer nightmare culture unfolds in Clark Park and Dilworth Plaza, while other Philadelphia parks become desolate wastelands, please understand that the process has long been completely predictable.

The plutocrats not only wish to destroy our ability to assemble and speak freely in public parks, but they want the last life lines against consumer helplessness destroyed. Look at the depravity of suburban culture as a foreshadow. The suburban model of the past 40 or so years was to make the only public square for human interaction the shopping malls.  Compare shopping malls with the sacred and life affirming culture that we once had in Clark Park!  Even today, you can still see shadows of our culture, which made many of us worship Clark Park as sacred land! The real zombie apocalypse occurred when the middle classs was trained to see the mall as the center of life and the universe.

Now, they want the cities to be gated shopping malls, so the last of the intellectuals and humanitarians can be destroyed under the true zombie apocalypse!

Save our public spaces!  Revolution Now,


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