As you may know, Drew Elementary was closed earlier this year necessitating
the redrawing of several catchment maps.
The new catchment maps have been posted and can be accessed here:

It appears that the Powel, Locke, Wilson and Penn Alexander (if I'm not
mistaken - the little area of Woodland Terrace and 40th) have changed.
Although Lea is expecting many former Drew students this fall, its
catchment is unchanged. This is not entirely unexpected as for Lea to have
taken any of Drew's catchment, it would have needed to cut into Locke's and
potentially loop around Penn Alexander's.

The School District of Philadelphia expects to propose 40 schools for
closure this year. Consequently, it is likely catchment boundaries may
 change in the future as a result of additional closures and
consolidations. Please keep an eye out for community meetings to be
scheduled in the fall to discuss this next phase of the Facilities Master

West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools
I foster with City Kitties: Rocco and

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