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From: Patty Bulack <>
Date: August 10, 2012 1:59:45 PM EDT
To:, univcity <>
Subject: [UCNeighbors] Please represent out community in the courtroom this MONDAY at the sentencing of Tyshanek Presley, rapist's accomplice

Hello All,
I apologize for the short notice, and this abrupt message in your inboxes..... Please allow me to explain. I am reaching beyond my usual contacts for this work, to all of you, because of the shortness of time.

Many of you may remember the traumatic robbery rape that happened on the 900 block of 48th St. last September As a result of this incident, we formed 48th Street Neighbors which has been active ever since, working to inform about crime in the neighborhood, and make a collective response that includes community building. The long road of this case is coming to a crossroads - the sentencing of Tyshanek. Her partner, Kareem Drayton, is in the process of withdrawing his guilty plea, and will make an appearance in court on Thursday August 16th. I am looking for people to come then as well, but Tyshanek's appearance fast approaches.

I am looking for those of you who want to be a presence in support of the victims (there were 5 altogether, over the course of 4 robberies). These former neighbors all moved away, as a result of the trauma they suffered. This is a loss for all of us. And I am also looking for those who are able to be calm and quiet - we are not looking to engage the defendant or her family, but just to make sure that the court knows we were all affected by these crimes as well.... It sends a very important message to the judge, when the community is present. We need to express that we were traumatized as well, albeit in a lesser way....

So please forgive my directness - I have much more to say about my perspectives on this work, including how prayer is a huge part of it, and that I will be praying for the defendant and her family, as well as for the victims - I want to be to the point, in asking for your participation in this very important way.

Please contact me:, 215 906-0243, if you think you can be there, if even for just a part of the time. It will be in Room 905, Criminal Justice Center (13th and Filbert). We have been advised in the past to be there at 9:30 am, and await when the case comes up on the docket. It sometimes takes a few hours, but even if you can only join us for a little while, the judge will see that.

Patty Bulack

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