Our brothers and sisters are mobilizing to protect the Ecuadoran embassy in London.  The global plutocracy has threatened to use their British government to storm the Ecuadoran embassy in the quest to kill and silence one of the most important journalists of all time, Julian Assange.


As part of the most evil capitalist fascist empires in the history of the planet, our US government has wanted to kill Julian Assange along with the greatest American hero since Daniel Elsberg, Bradley Manning.


Since our brothers and sisters of south and central America have suffered the criminality of the US plutocracy and empire for decades and centuries, they understand the absolute evil and lawlessness embodied by the US government.  They have granted Julian a lifeline against the evil barbaric US middle and upper classes and their war profiteering partners. 


Those of you who have life and courage left inside of you need to join the people of the world and stand with the brave government of Ecuador and the 99% of humanity!!!



It's time that we freed Bradley and jailed the bankers, war profiteers, pharmaceutical, health insurance, oil, mineral and corporate parasites!!!! 


Free the truth,




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