
Remember the proposed 11 story hotel at 40th and Pine??- well now....

UPenn and the developer are now proposing a 5 story, 120 unit apartment
building and demolition of the historic mansion at the site on 40th and Pine
that would require them to obtain variances from the zoning code so they
have to have a ZBA hearing.  

The plans were presented at the Spruce Hill Community Association's zoning
committee on Monday and representatives of Woodland Terrace area were there-
there is no plan for a public meeting.

If you would like to see the plans for the project they will be available at

Zoning Board of Adjustment hearing

Wednesday August 29th at 1:00 pm.  

1515 Arch, 18th floor  (bring photo ID)

I will be out of town please contact Mary Daniels  ( marydani...@cavtel.net
) for more information on the position WTHA and other neighbors are taking
against demolition (based on a financial hardship claim) and therefore
against the proposed building.


Lauren Leatherbarrow

President Woodland Terrace HomeOwners Association

517 Woodland Terrace/531 S. 41st Street Garden

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