As a formidable cyclist, I must admit that I do ride on the sidewalk
rarely, when there seems to be no one around, and there's enough space.
However, I do agree that cyclists, like myself are sometimes concerned
riding on the street, where automobile drivers are extremely inconsiderate.
They constantly cut you off - I've been hit by a car in the bike lane. They
also park in the bike lane or open their door without looking. I've had a
few near misses. I've even talked to a fellow driver who said, "I've driven
on this road for 20 years, I'm not changing."

I also dislike when the "Penn Safety" team do things that are illegal (like
bike the wrong way on a street, ride on sidewalks) - they should be setting
an example!

People need to be more aware that cyclists are more prevalent in this city
than any other. We have the highest percentage of commuters using bikes
than any other city in the USA.

Dan Myers
Intuitive Licensed Masseur & Licensed Organic Nail Technician

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Linda <> wrote:

> I couldn't agree more!  My understanding is that it is NOT legal to pedal
> on sidewalks.  I suspect few people know this or care.   Yes, these laws
> should be enforced, but they also need to to be advertised!
> I also see UCD (and Penn police?) guys pedaling on sidewalks ALL the time,
> as well as cycling against traffic, either side of the street.   Grrr.
> LL
> On Sep 12, 2012, at 1:51 PM, Kathleen Turner wrote:
> I'd be thrilled if they nabbed the guy who came barreling down the
> sidewalk (Locust from 45th to 46th) and nearly ran me over last night. Few
> things annoy me more than adults riding on the sidewalks.
> Kathleen
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 1:46 PM, kyle cassidy <>wrote:
>> Since there are now two lines on Walnut street where they moved the bike
>> lane, i've been baffled at the number of people riding bikes east, i'm
>> guessing they think that it's now two bike lanes, east and west.
>> In other news, it's illegal to get on your bicycle before it's on the
>> street or to ride up to your front steps.
>> Though with the number of people blocking my driveway with impunity I'm
>> wondering how much enforcement there's going to be.
>> --
> --

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