Great work. Is there anyway you can mash in landlords that have L&I
complaints against them. As a renter, I would care less about
tax delinquency than other illegal exploitation of tenants.
Jim Cummings
the life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the
property of the richest man on earth

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Amara Rockar <> wrote:

> "A dataset that I have worked hard to provide is now ready and available
> for your consumption:   The Delinquent Landlord 
> Map<>.
>    Roughly *70,000 L&I active rental licenses* have been matched up with
> their corresponding property records at the Office of Property Assessment.
>   Some of the items that we’ve uncovered now that we can see the data
> clearly:
>    - West Philadelphia by far has the highest concentration of landlords
>    who are delinquent
>    - 4,531 properties have a delinquent balance over $100
>    - 1,178 rental properties have an active license and *owe more than
>    enough tax to be brought to Sheriff’s Sale*
>    - The total amount of delinquency that we discovered is
>    $13,366,003.43, an increase of roughly $700K since the last time this
>    dataset was generated."
> --
> I foster with City Kitties: 
> Rocco<>
>  and Red<>
> --

Jim Cummings
the life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the
property of the richest man on earth

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