"I just find it funny that you spend so much effort criticizing the decisions of local civic groups."


The local civic groups were the vital pawns used to succesfully abuse power, seize our public spaces, and take away our rights as engaged citizens!  FOCP/SHCA/UCD were the pilot pawns in the pilot projects for the Penn driven plotocratic agenda that has gone city and state wide.  It's not funny at all.


When the city officials and their corporate/university masters blatantly circumvented the sunshine law, they used the dishonest civic association leaders around the city.  To create the new rental fee policies, which will soon eliminate non-corporate sponsored uses of public spaces, I discovered that a small collection of "friends" groups were redefined as the "community" or "public."  To create the invitational only, Clark Park Partnership, they called the tiny group of FOCP bullies the community and depended on their meanness.  


But do the FOCP leaders ever inform us of their secret back room dealings before it is too late? ???   No, they yell at the whistleblowers and get out their death ray, while lying that the citizens do not want to be involved.  However, when the UCD originally wanted to openly redesign clark Park, LARGE numbers of our neighbors came out to voice their views and told the plutocrats to leave the park alone and honor principles of democracy and ethics!



It's completely  untrue that people didn't want to be involved with important community decisions, and I spent years leaving a public record showing that truth. Remember, I was heavily involved in the park and community when UCD arrived, but was banned from the secret dealing! FOCP/UCD/SHCA leaders demand secrecy and back room dealing because they couldn't engage their vision for plutocracy openly.  That is why the leaders constantly attacked me personally.



The silence of the neighborhood came from the unbelievable bullying they saw, and our neighbors weren't willing to risk themselves by standing up for actual principles of democracy and take a public beating like I was given.  Protecting our rights, the constitution, and future generations often requires courage and certainly requires a vigilant citizenry!!!


But making fun of the truth tellers and claiming that people really wanted to be reduced to helpless consumers is completely untrue.  Your unsupportable arguments have been made many times before by those who wish to abuse or seize power for their criminal or plutocratic agenda.  The people were banned from participation in back room deals, and bullied with sound bites like "put your money where your mouth is."   That is what the list archives, for many years, proves!!! 


People in the neighborhood now feel largely impotent against the corporate hegemony over this once great community.  We all know that miserable people like Tony, Brian, et al. are always around to seize power and bully their neighbors, but I want the large silent majority to understand that their lack of courage is responsible for the actual loss of our community.  The larger group of american consumers also needs to realize that they caused the Iraq war and loss of our Bill of Rights because of confusion and lack of courage.  They were willing to be involved, but too broken to summon courage when it was necessary!


Watch Rocky Anderson and Dr. Stein on democracynow.org tonight and see what political courage looks like.  Read about the great George McGovern, John Lennon, MLK Jr., or Ghandi for other examples.


All the best,







-----Original Message-----
From: "Lalevic, Darco"
Sent: Oct 22, 2012 2:38 PM
To: "UnivCity@list.purple.com"
Subject: RE: [UC] A good use for $650,000?

No, the reason our society has sunk so low is because people don’t care about something until it affects them.

Or, maybe everyone else is ok with the selling off of public lands?

I just find it funny that you spend so much effort criticizing the decisions of local civic groups.




From: Glenn moyer [mailto:glen...@earthlink.net]
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 1:12 PM
To: Lalevic, Darco; UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: RE: [UC] A good use for $650,000?



"or happy that at least UCD is grabbing that money instead of it going to building malls in Kansas?"



Darco, generally this theft of taxpayer money is a package of city, state, and federal money.  Government is corrupt and serves the plutocracy at all these levels, and all of the money should be going toward the public good as Al suggested.  I've heard your argument many times.  Somebody is going to steal the public money, so we should get it.


Darco, this lack of ethics among the middle class is why our society has sunk so low.  This was the justification used many years ago when our civic associations betrayed our community and cheered the portrayal of all of us as criminals.  Now, we have no rights to public land and all public land in the entire state is going to be sold off for $1 to connected corporations.  Had we stood up together and didn't conspire with the original theivery and lies, the plutocracy could never have stolen our public spaces and the Bill of Rights. 


When people reduce their ethics to criminality, they guarantee that they too will be victims.  That's how the criminal world works, and that is why we have a morally bankrupt society that backs the most evil military empire the world has ever known.  Our collective loss of the American principles we blabber about is the reason we live in a police state heading the planet toward extinction.    


So no, I want to see that money go to healthcare, and schools in Grays Ferry, Detroit, and Camden, or to reduce the cost of public transportation so that we have some hope of saving the planet.


I hope you think about this slippery slope that the middle class has tumbled down.


All the best,














-----Original Message-----
From: "Lalevic, Darco"
Sent: Oct 19, 2012 4:03 PM
To: "UnivCity@list.purple.com"
Subject: RE: [UC] A good use for $650,000?

Umm, isn’t most of the funding for UCD from Penn/Drexel/USP/etc? Although, I guess the grants it pulls in are mostly from the feds. In which case shouldn’t you be complaining that the federal government gives out tax money or happy that at least UCD is grabbing that money instead of it going to building malls in Kansas?


From: owner-univc...@list.purple.com [mailto:owner-univc...@list.purple.com] On Behalf Of Glenn moyer
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 9:46 AM
To: krf...@aol.com; UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] A good use for $650,000?




This was in the DP yesterday.  I believe these developments are why taxpayer money will be used for this upscaling. 


The 650,000 will be called grants, as usual, and then the Penn barking cheese gang will insist that it's not taxpayer money, but materialized as charity from above.






-----Original Message-----
From: krf...@aol.com
Sent: Oct 19, 2012 7:51 AM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] A good use for $650,000?

No, I'm not planning to donate $650,000 to some neighborhood group for worthwhile causes.


But I've heard that UCD is going to spend this much money on a project somehow connected with the subway portal at 40th & Baltimore.


I can't help but believe the community could use this large amount of money for something more worthwhile. Certainly, if Penn and the VA think that an enhanced portal would be valuable to them, they can pay for it. Or, if SEPTA officials think such a project will increase use of the subway-surface lines, they can pay for it.


Anybody have any ideas about a better use for $650,000?

  • Improvements at the Lea, Wilson, and/or Powel schools?
  • Street tree care -- pruning what we've got and planting new saplings?
  • Fixing the new corner curb ramps where big pools of water collect whenever it rains?
  • Scholarships for West Philly High grads to attend Community College or enroll in a trade school?
  • A fund to partially reimburse property owners to fix their uneven and broken sidewalks?
  • Less exorbitant fees for parking close to Penn so suburbanites don't fill all the non-permitted spaces in front of our homes so residents and their guests don't have to keep driving around looking for spaces for their own cars?
  • Other? (________________________________________________________________)

Alan Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts Inc
211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6502
krf...@aol.com or al.krig...@krf.icodat.com

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