Hello All,
I am forwarding this message - I also know this family.  Mr. Jean-Louis was
last seen at 50th and Baltimore yesterday morning.  He has already been
reported missing to the police, so if you see him and call the police they
should know about him.  Ideally, it would be great to coax him to stay with
you until the police can be called....  He speaks Creole, and so if you
happen to know that language, it will set him at ease.

Hi everyone
I just wanted to reply back with a missing persons alert. A Friend of mine
reported that her father Robert Jean-Louis is missing. He has dementia and
currently does not have any ID on him. He has been missing since 8 am
Tuesday Morning. He is wearing a white button down shirt, navy blue pant,
black shoes and olive green carry on luggage. The police have been alerted.
Please reach the police if you have any information.

Please share his picture with everyone you can. Thank you
[image: Inline image 1]


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