From: Vivianne Nachmias <>
Date: October 9, 2013 8:41:39 AM EDT
To: pfsni <>
Subject: [PFSNI] Fwd: Your Climate Change Story Clean Air Council in Philadelphia Oct 23...

Begin forwarded message:

From: Clean Air Council <>
Subject: Your Climate Change Story
Date: October 9, 2013 8:34:07 AM EDT


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a new rule limiting carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants. The Council has been working hard to get EPA to take this action over the last two years. The coal industry, and their friends in Congress, are putting great pressure on EPA not to move forward. We need your help. Clean Air Council and other environmental groups will be holding a citizen’s hearing October 23 in City Hall’s main chambers from 5:30 to 8:00 pm to give Philadelphia area residents an opportunity to explain how global warming has had immediate impacts on their daily life. Please take the time from your busy schedule, attend the citizens hearing and say a few words about your support for EPA’s action. Register here. The session will be recorded and everyone’s comments will be forwarded to EPA.

In 2012 global warming contributed to many meteorological impacts including the hottest year ever recorded in America. In the summer of 2013 Philadelphia had more rain than ever. In September, the federal government cut flood insurance subsidies because of high payouts from hurricanes made worse by rising sea levels.

UC Berkeley published a new study on the health effects of smog. Before the study it was established that smog, caused by high temperatures baking already polluted air into ground level ozone, damages lung function and causes 80 premature deaths in Philadelphia every summer. Now smog pollution has been linked to heart disease, the most common cause of premature death in the western world.

Please show the EPA that you support their efforts to reduce pollution and protect public health. Contact Russell Zerbo at or 215.567.4004 x130 with any questions.

Joseph Otis Minott, Esq.

Executive Director

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  • [UC] Fwd: Your Climate Change Story Clean Air Council in Phila... Linda Lee

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