Friends and Neighbors, you may remember Curio Theatre's wonderful
production of _Romeo and Juliet_ this past November. You may remember
the wonderful set, the terrific performances, or just the terrific
night out in the snow-free November air.

Or, you may remember the angry responses the play got from people who
were upset over recasting Romeo, Tybalt and Lord Montague as females,
refocusing the play on a lesbian relationship and offering new
insights into a classic piece of drama.

Here's your chance to help even more people get to see it. As you
know, I've been doing video work with Curio for a few years
and on occasion, I've captured a full performance
For _Romeo and Julet_, I assembled a camera crew and sound expert to
capture the play, and now it's time to take that stuff and turn it
into a DVD.

The link below is for a Kickstarter for the project. If you'd like to
get one of the DVDs, please contribute, and if you could spread the
link far and wide to any and all who'd be interested, I'd be very
grateful. It preserves a great production, helps promote West Philly's
own Curio Theatre, and keeps me from turning to a life of crime. So
have a look!
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