Since Iran in 1953, our tax dollars have funded 80 attempted coups around the world with roughly half succeeding to establish dictatorships. Read at:

Has anyone read Nomi Prins' new book on the collusion between bankers and US presidents for the past 100 years?

I don't know this history as well as that of the coups, but undoubtedly, this criminal history of banking will have a very interesting relationship with our US driven fascist coups.

from America's Coup Machine

"Recent studies have found that people gain a better grasp of current affairs from John Stewart's Daily Show on Comedy Central than from watching "news" networks.  People who watch no "news" at all have more knowledge of international affairs than people who watch MSNBC or Fox News.   A previous survey conducted 3 months after the U.S. invasion of Iraq found that 52% of Americans believed that U.S. forces in Iraq had found clear evidence of links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.  Among Republicans who said they were following "news on Iraq very closely", the figure was 78%, compared with only 68% among Republicans at large."

Here is a report on the Republican/Democrat duopoly.  Do you see why both parties embrace the same corporate agenda, while keeping you distracted with competing lies  and "partisan bickering" about social issues?

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