Statistical analysis corroborates the message and warnings of truth tellers. America is a plutocracy.  Read here:

“Put your money where your mouth is” (slogan of the Friends of Clark Park leadership) 

Congratulations are in order. The civic associations, like FOCP and SHCA, were the vanguard in the recolonizing of America. And the silence and approbation of common residents during the gentrification showed that decades of conditioning had enabled totalitarianism across America. The pilot project, the University City Police District, helped prove that the American people were ready for enslavement.

What does it mean to strip citizens of their right to participate in the decisions at the local level? Why were the American gentrifications the litmus test for the end game for citizenship? How were pilot gentrifications studied by the plutocracy starting some 15 years ago?  Why was this metric so important?

Governmental decisions at the local level are generally regarded to have the most immediate and profound impacts on the lives of individuals. This is an important concept.

When our civic association leaders successfully demanded that we “put our money where our mouths are,” they were insisting that money should determine participation in all decision making, just like McCutcheon and Citizens United. Then, these leaders continued to sequester neighborhood planning decisions through their demands for committee decision making. Not only was money collected, as a first requirement for one’s participation for important local decisions, but the power elites of the civic associations retained the right to further banish anyone for any reason, from the real planning sessions with their corporate elite masters. Any citizen outside of their ideological grip, or committed to transparency, would be banned from their classified meetings, as I consistently demonstrated on this public listserv.

Did those who watched this process, in silence, believe that elite totalitarianism was consistent with democratic processes?

Our corporate rulers tested the readiness, the silence, of the American people to passively accept enslavement. By tracking the gentrifications across the country, they were able to gauge resistance and know that the masses had embraced neoliberal lies and promises. They knew that the majority was ready to sacrifice those below them economically, as well as their community, in the interest of personal greed and power. By studying the massive success of selected gentrifications in “liberal” neighborhoods, they knew that enslavement could be pushed across the entire country, and the small dissent would be crushed while the masses watched in silence.  The rulers always knew that any community would vomit up individuals, whom would betray their community.  But they needed to know that the common people of any neighborhood would accept the destruction of democratic processes, as we did.

The truth tellers and whistle blowers didn’t need statistical proof to know the elite domination agenda, but now we have it. Make sure to congratulate our civic association leaders and their success, as you get fitted for your chains. Some of you may feel as lousy as I felt, so many years ago, when I begged you to open your eyes and think!

Glenn, last of the citizens
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