> Taney St. in Phila. was absurdly named for him the very next year after the
> Dred Scott decision.

That is so upsetting.

On 8/22/14, 11:19 PM, "Richard Conrad" <rdcon...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Correctomundo Cindy!
> SCOTUS Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney, who succeeded the way better SCOTUS
> Chief Justice John Marshall, wrote the Dred Scott majority opinion, and also
> heard Prigg v. Pennsylvania
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prigg_v._Pennsylvania>  which decided that
> states were barred from interfering with enforcement of federal fugitive slave
> lawsŠ He generally was a bastard who gave  slavery / white supremacy / and
> people as property (without any hope for any rights), the highest levels of
> priority (though he did vote to let the ³Amistad² Africans who John Quincy
> Adams defended, go home).
> He, and several others on the Supreme Court were active slave owners.
> Taney St. in Phila. was absurdly named for him the very next year after the
> Dred Scott decision.
>> ³ threaten existence, expect resistance²  !!!!!
> Rick Conrad
> rdcon...@verizon.net
> On Aug 22, 2014, at 9:17 PM, Cindy Miller <c...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> and if i'm not mistaken, the decision was rendered by Chief Justice  Taney,
>> who then got  streets and stuff and a BASEBALL TEAM named after him...sheesh
>> -Cindy 
>> ³ threaten existence,
>>  expect resistance"
>> On Aug 22, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Richard Conrad wrote:
>>> Right!  ³Sundown towns²   Thank you Jo Ann Fishburn!
>>> Šand meanwhile as Amy Goodman reported:
>>> ³Just miles away from the scene of the protests in Ferguson lies the grave
>>> of Dred Scott at the Calvary Cemetery on West Florissant Avenue. Born a
>>> slave in Virginia, Dred Scott sued in a St. Louis court for his freedom. The
>>> case went to the Supreme Court, resulting in a landmark 1857 decision that
>>> African Americans were not citizens of the United States and therefore had
>>> no rights to sue in federal courts. The court described blacks as "beings of
>>> an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race,
>>> either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had
>>> no rights which the white man was bound to respect." The Dred Scott Decision
>>> is considered by many to be the worst decision in the Supreme Court¹s
>>> history. 
>>> http://www.democracynow.org/2014/8/18/ferguson_protests_erupt_near_grave_of
>>> Richard Conrad
>>> rdcon...@verizon.net
>>> On Aug 22, 2014, at 2:46 PM, Jo Ann Fishburn <fishbur...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> They were called Sundown Towns, many were in the north. Loewen has written
>>>> a book about it by that name. I believe Ocean City, NJ, followed that
>>>> model, although I don't know if there were laws on the books.
>>>> Jo Ann
>>>> Jo Ann Fishburn
>>>> Reading Specialist
>>>> fishbur...@yahoo.com
>>>> never2late2read.org <http://never2late2read.org/>
>>>>   On Friday, August 22, 2014 1:48 AM, Richard Conrad <rdcon...@verizon.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> According to an MSNBC story, towns like Ferguson were called something
>>>>> like ŒDaylight towns¹ because after dark any blacks the police came upon
>>>>> could be arrested just for being out of doors.
>>>>> Curfew laws I¹ve been told, even into the 50¹s and early 60¹s, in MANY
>>>>> locations / jurisdictions - specified criteria for BOTH different
>>>>> age-groups and also RACIAL categories.
>>>>> The story of MASSIVE numbers of Illegal detentions for fictional
>>>>> Œoffenses¹ to create labor forces like that of Birmingham Steel was
>>>>> described on PBS, as in MANY WAYS worse than Slavery in its effects.
>>>>> And in our GLORIOUS Modern Times:  - OMG - The Cops to SUCH a large
>>>>> degree, seem to have become BLOODY ADDICTED to corrupting the essential
>>>>> judicial processes and they are in BIG-TIME denial about it!!!
>>>>> Bullying, segregating, denying due processes, and executing repressive,
>>>>> BIASED, and illegal detentionsŠ oh...,  and murders - > THESE ALL MUST BE
>>>>> STOPPED!
>>>>> Richard Conrad
>>>>> rdcon...@verizon.net
>>>>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 6:43 PM, Glenn moyer <glen...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>>>> No, i didn't read that book, but I know some of that earlier history.
>>>>>> Someone said at the 52nd St. rally that the word "officer" was derived
>>>>>> from overseer.
>>>>>> As the mission of the police state evolved during the twentieth century,
>>>>>> their role extended to protect elite power and property, while squashing
>>>>>> dissent.  We see this all over the world.  The East German Stasi seems to
>>>>>> be the closest historic model for our "homeland security" complex, while
>>>>>> the system retains all of the historical racist missions of the
>>>>>> post-reconstruction "fraternity."  Institutional racism is carefully
>>>>>> perpetuated in our society as tool of oppression, and to keep poor and
>>>>>> working class peoples of all ethnic groups from uniting!
>>>>>> My message to working class whites is to understand that we must join in
>>>>>> solidarity with immigrants and our minority brothers and sisters.  We
>>>>>> share the same oppressors and have much more in common with each other,
>>>>>> than with the morally bankrupt upper classes of any race!
>>>>>> There have been great discussions at the rallies, and in my opinion; its
>>>>>> broadly understood among the dis-empowered peoples that these systemic
>>>>>> problems are not solved merely by increasing the number of black cops.
>>>>>> Yes, they're brought into the same system with the same mission.  There
>>>>>> is some good information just published at "The Black Agenda Report" on
>>>>>> this, and the example of Newark NJ is a prime example.  (Everyone should
>>>>>> follow the Black Agenda Report and Democracy Now on a regular basis)
>>>>>> http://www.blackagendareport.com/
>>>>>> Peace and solidarity,
>>>>>> Glenn   
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Wilma de Soto
>>>>>>> Sent: Aug 21, 2014 5:10 PM
>>>>>>> To: Richard Conrad
>>>>>>> Cc: Glenn moyer  , "univcity@list.purple.com"
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [UC] False flag, agent provocateur
>>>>>>>  Have either of you or anyone else ever read, "The Police Mystique", by
>>>>>>> Anthony Bouza?
>>>>>>> Anthony Bouza was a Chief of Police in Minneapolis for over 25 years.  I
>>>>>>> believe he teaches a course in Criminal Justice at the Univ. of Chicago.
>>>>>>> Bouza explains very plainly about the role of the Police Force which was
>>>>>>> extended after Emancipation of Slaves.  Their role was like that of the
>>>>>>> former Plantation Overseer.  Their jobs were to control Blacks, make
>>>>>>> them docile and endure any indignities they were made to suffer and the
>>>>>>> beat the hell out of them, torture and maim them or even worse if they
>>>>>>> were not compliant.
>>>>>>> After slavery ended the police took on that role.  Many White ethnics
>>>>>>> such as the Irish who stood low on the class scale in America and the
>>>>>>> Italians were given that power over a group of people they despised.
>>>>>>> The Police are there to protect Whites from Blacks primarily.
>>>>>>> If you read the book, which at one time was difficult to find because it
>>>>>>> contains so many truths, it will appear very plain to you that they are
>>>>>>> "just doing their job" as they were trained to do.
>>>>>>> Black police make little difference because if they or anyone else break
>>>>>>> the "police rules", they will suffer the bitter consequences.
>>>>>>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Richard Conrad wrote:

On Aug 21, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Glenn moyer <glen...@earthlink.net> wrote:

Here is the execution video that caught the Missouri terrorists in another
round of lies.  (very graphic).  Compare this to the lies the terrorists
spread before they knew a citizen had filmed the entire killing!!


The description which I had heard on the news the night before, by a police
officer was that the Œperpetrator¹ had his right arm up over his head with a
knife - in the downward stabbing position - and charged at the cop (and he
raised up his own arm > and totally acted out the scenario)Š

The video shows nothing like that.

One shot in the leg would have apprehended - but instead, 8 or 9 Automatic
rounds were used, much like an execution in Vietnam or in Syria, or like the
deliberate putting down of a rabid dog.

More and more cops are becoming increasingly addicted to bullying and
slaughtering American citizens; and they are in massive denial about that.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
- Gandalf 

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