Two options spring to mind:
- Format two drives separately, and make a symbolic link from a
  folder in 'drive 1' to 'drive 2'. Then point the SlimServer to drive
  1 and it'll scan drive 2 also
- Use _'LVM' ( (Logical Volume
  Management). This'll allow you to use both physical drives (or
  partitions on both those physical drives) as a single logical
  partition. You'd just format that logical partition

LVM works great for me.

It'll allow you to do funky stuff like grow and shrink partitions
too... and if you ever find that you've filled the 550Gb, then you can
simply add another drive, add it to the volume group, and entend the
partition again into the new drive.

Some folks have even used LVM to migrate root filesystems from one disk
to another while the system is running: plug in new disk, add new disk
to the volume group, remove old root disk from vol group, remove old


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