peterw;215659 Wrote: 
> If you get rid of Windows and iTunes, what will you use to replace
> iTunes' smart playlists?Smart playlists are supported in several of the Linux 
> applications, for
example gtkpod and Amarok. The problem with this are:
- Amarok has no criteria for limiting the smart playlist to a specific
size in GB, I'm also not sure if it supports to export only files which
are in a playlist. Next TrackStat version will support export/import of
statistics to/from Amarok, so getting the SlimServer ratings into
Amarok won't be a problem.
- There doesn't seem to be any way to get my SlimServer ratings into
gtkpod, I'm also not sure if it supports to export only files which are
in a playlist.

Ratings are important because I use them as one of the criterias to
select which 6GB of music to export to the iPod.

peterw;215659 Wrote: 
> Building a script to sync the first 6GB of music from a playlist doesn't
> seem tough. But I don't know how you'd create the playlist.
Do you have any ideas regarding this ?
I have no problem to generate a standard playlist file, I can implement
this pretty easy by using SQL towards the Amarok database. The problem
is that the applications doesn't seem to support to export music based
on a playlist, they typically supports to export a whole directory.

I guess I could generate a directory which only contains the correct
songs with a script that copies or soft links the correct files. I
could then choose to just export this directory from Amarok or gtkpod,
but I wish there was an easier way.

peterw;215659 Wrote: 
> Are you sticking with the Apple firmware, or considering moving to free
> software ( on the iPod, too? :-)I've installed the 
> Rockbox software, so currently I have both installed
in a dual boot configuration. However, the Rockbox doesn't really have
any good support for smart playlists yet and it doesn't seem as user
friendly as the apple firmware, so I'm not sure it will solve anything.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
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