There haven't been any changes relating to the use of MySQL in any of
the SC7 betas since the first one came out, so I wouldn't expect this
failure to creep in, and because the MySQL that's being used is the main
installation and not the one embedded with SC7 any problem you're seeing
sounds like it's not anything to do with the SC7 installation.

Do you use MySQL for anything else on that machine?

All that line of the build does is to try connecting to MySQL to
validate the password you're putting in - it doesn't actually do any
database manipulation. Could you try the following whilst logged on as
root on that machine:

mysql --user=root --password=XXX
(where XXX is the password for the *MySQL* root user on that machine)

I would expect that to fail as well, in which case it's not anything
specific to the ebuild. If it works then you would see a MySQL prompt.

If it is failing it would be worth checking system logs to see if
there's any reason for that (check for any full filesystems as well).

Let us know how you get on.


ninjabase wrote:
> hmm latest beta gives error when running 
> Code:
> --------------------
>   emerge --config =media-sound/squeezecenter-7.0_beta20080126
> --------------------
> when it asks for the mysql root password, I enter the password but then
> get this error:
> Code:
> --------------------
>   MySQL root password:
> /var/db/pkg/media-sound/squeezecenter-7.0_beta20080126/squeezecenter-7.0_beta20080126.ebuild:
>  line 235:  9658 Segmentation fault      mysql --user=root 
> --password="${ROOT_PASSWD}" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1
>   * Incorrect MySQL root password, or MySQL is not running
> --------------------
> ..and yes the mysql root password is correct and yes mysql is
> running...
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