hellesangel wrote:

> For the past 150 odd CD rips I've used Grip but a while back I noticed
> the quality of the audio from the resulting rip just isn't right.

A bad rip wont produce audio that is slightly wrong - you will get a burst
of noise. The difference is like night and day. (unless you are ripping
techno; but it still wont go unnoticed once you know what to listen for ;-)

> Does anyone know the
> command line option to slow the rip down?  I'm using cdparanoia as
> ripper.

Try "man cdparanioa"

In particular....

       -z --never-skip[=max_retries]
              Do not accept any skips; retry forever
              if needed.  An optional maximum number
              of retries can be specified; for  com‐
              parison,  default  without  -z is cur‐
              rently 20.


       -X --abort-on-skip
              If the read  skips  due  to  imperfect
              data, a scratch, whatever, abort read‐
              ing this track.  If  output  is  to  a
              file,  delete  the partially completed

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