ClanClover;403170 Wrote: 
> What's all this about Linux not playing/serving wma files? Most of my
> music files are in flac format but some are wma and these play on my
> Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) machine and, before I moved my server to a QNAP
> (which runs Linux), I had no problems playing wma files on my duet.

Squeeze doesn't play nice with protected WMA files (which should be
obvious).  What is tricky though, is that even though Lossless WMA is
listed as a supported format on product pages
(, WMA Lossless
apparently will not stream from a Linux install of Squeezecenter.  I
think any losslessly compressed formats other than FLAC have to be
transcoded on-the-fly on the server, and WMA Lossless -> FLAC
transcoding hasn't (yet?) been implemented on the Linux version of

Since this limitation isn't totally obvious, I think maybe Logitech
does deserve a tiny bit of blame for the OP's misfortunes.  However,
the practice of ripping to WMA Lossless instead of FLAC is also
questionable.  It happens to the best of us though.  I, like tons of
others, ended up with a bunch of useless protected WMAs because, hey,
that's what the ripping defaults of Windows Media Player were.

The OP's rant at Linux is a bit unwarranted though.  Yes, Linux does
"Just Work" on lots of hardware.  However, you can't logically infer
that it -will- work on -your- hardware, or that the installation will
be entirely smooth for a newbie.  Linux, like any OS, has a learning
curve.  I'm pretty good with Windows and Linux (because I've been using
them for years), but I would be a little lost on OS X for a while,
because I've never used it.

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