Whew, that was quick. 

"./squeezeslave -L" now reports two new output devices: pulse and
default, on my PC.

When selecting the pulse device, squeezeslave usually works well with
other sound apps. I've listened for hours to a mix of songs from
audacious (native pulseaudio) and squeezeslave. But I do have two

A minor one is choosing the output device. squeezeslave wants you to
choose a list item numerically. Unfortunately that number can change
under pulseaudio depending upon what other sound apps are running. On my
system, the pulse device is item 12 when no other apps are running, but
when a pulseaudio app is running it becomes item 6, or sometimes 7. So
this # cannot be hardcoded into a script. Rather it needs to be
extracted from "squeezeslave -L". And there is the slight chance that
the list position might change during the time it takes extract and
encode it into a squeezeslave command line. 

A bigger problem though is that squeezeslave's audio connection seems
fragile. If I start fooling around with the pulseaudio volume control,
muting and unmuting audio streams, adjusting the relative volume, or
stopping/starting audacious, at some point the music from squeezeslave
will stop (audacious always keeps on going though). It will still appear
in the pulseaudio volume control "ALSA plugin [squeezeslave]" and for a
while will still appear in the squeezecenter list of players. But the
squeezecenter progress bar will show a looping of several seconds and,
at some point squeezeslave disappears from the list of players. But it
still appears in the pulseaudio volume control and there is usually no
error message on the command line. A ^C is necessary to get rid of it.
One time squeezeslave did report a segmentation fault and quit on it's

Some of this may more to do with flaky bits of pulseaudio, its virtual
alsa device, or it's volume control, than with squeezeslave. 

Anyway, thanks for the new version. It will be our default audio player
(with squeezecenter) soon, once I polish up my bash script skills. If
you need any more testing, esp. pulseaudio, I'll be around.

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