The root issue doesn't happen with Ubuntu or SuSe installations so I
think it may be specific to your system, your distribution or how
mplayer has been installed.

My system is slackware 12, stock kernel; mplayer has no set uid/gid
If it works on other Linux distros then I guess it must be down to
different compilation options the distros use for the kernels.

Unfortunately I don't have the time to look through the slimserver code
in detail, but on slackware setting the real uid & gid solves the
problem, as per the patch below.

***  2009-07-25 14:38:12.000000000 +0100
---       2009-07-25 15:26:35.000000000 +0100
*** 879,885 ****
        # $) = "1234 1234"

        undef $!;
!       $) = "$pgid $pgid " . join (" ", @sgids);

        if ( $! ) {
                die "Unable to set effective group(s) to $group ($gid) is: $):
--- 879,887 ----
        # $) = "1234 1234"

        undef $!;
!       #$) = "$pgid $pgid " . join (" ", @sgids);
!       # and real groups
!       $( = $) = "$pgid $pgid " . join (" ", @sgids);

        if ( $! ) {
                die "Unable to set effective group(s) to $group ($gid) is: $):
*** 888,894 ****
        # Finally, change effective user id.

        undef $!;
!       $> = $uid;

        if ( $! ) {
                die "Unable to set effective user to $user, ($uid)!\n";
--- 890,898 ----
        # Finally, change effective user id.

        undef $!;
!       #$> = $uid;
!       # AND real uid (so child processes also have this uid)
!       $< = $> = $uid;

        if ( $! ) {
                die "Unable to set effective user to $user, ($uid)!\n";

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