I use Ubuntu (desktop) and disable many of the services. It installs on
barely 4GB. Ubuntu also has a stripped down server edition.

I have played around with every Ubuntu release, but going forward will
stick to long term support releases. My SB server runs 8.04 (duh see my
sig), "downgraded from 9.04->9.10. It is rock solid. It also integrates
very easily with the inevitable Windows or Mac machine that is likely to
infest your household from time to time. :-)

Ubuntu 8.04 also provides very nice GUI functionality in a very
lightweight way (I found 9.10 to be noticeably slower) and runs very
well on machines with very humble hardware specs. An acquaintance of
mine just opened a hair salon, and she is joyous with the donation of an
8 year old laptop running 8.04, which runs all the apps she needs for a
small business, and between Google apps, open community and such you
don't have to spend a cent on software (well, I make a point to make
Paypal donations to several projects). 

And the other great thing about Ubuntu are the forums. They are
incredibly helpful and active, and every problem I have ever run into
someone else has already had, even though sometimes it takes a while to
find the right thread.

Then again, the stuff that speaks for Ubuntu also mostly goes for
Debian. If it wasn't for Ubuntu I'd definitely run Debian, and I am
quite likely to use it soon anyhow.


Server: Shuttle X27D - Ubuntu 8.04LTS - SBS 7.4.1
Sources: SB3 (3), SB Boom (3), Duet, Accuphase DP65v CD
Amplifier: Accuphase E306v - Creek OBH21/22
Loudspeakers: Ceeroy 3-way tower (tuned) - Audioengine 5/S8 - Acoustic
Energy Aego M
Headphones: Grado SR-1
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