What type of drive do you have? If it is an older USB drive there might
be compatibility issues when mounting it. As you well know, successfully
mounting it is just half the battle, you also need to be able to set it
up so all users can take advantage of it, and SBS needs read/write
access to be happy.

I agree it does not make any remote sense the way it is set up right
now for Ubuntu installs... the fact you install software via your
regular admin id and that then it needs a special system permission
seems pretty unique to SBS, my assumption is certain 9.10 release
adjustments (Linux kernel? Gnome?) have not been made in the SBS

I do hope by the time I migrate this machine -which doubles as my SBS
engine- to 10.04LTS the available stable version of SBS (8.0?) will have
made the transition. It is *both* a Linux and SBS issue.

I do have a 1 page command cheatsheet for Linux I keep so that I know
what I did to get things to work. It is quite annoying that about 30% of
it needs to be re-written from release to release. And yes, USB drive
handling was one of the major differences. It got better with 8.04 to
9.04, something changed in 9.10. And that is within Linux, because I
also have to mount my NFS partition differently (some experts in the
Ubuntu Forums don't quite buy it, but I have the results and the Grsync
logs to prove it).


Server: Shuttle X27D - Ubuntu 8.04LTS - SBS 7.4.1
Sources: SB3 (3), SB Boom (3), Duet, Accuphase DP65v CD
Amplifier: Accuphase E306v - Creek OBH21/22
Loudspeakers: Ceeroy 3-way tower (tuned) - Audioengine 5/S8 - Acoustic
Energy Aego M
Headphones: Grado SR-1
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