
I want to try Vortexbox on my "Asus Nova Lite EP20", but i had a

When i boot from the CD then (when the bootloader switches to the
Install Gui) the Monitor goes blank (Off / Standby).
I figured out that something with the monitor refresh rate is wrong.
I have just TFT type Monitors at home and they maximum operate at 60Hz.

But the Installer switch the Refresh rate to 85Hz . 

I have read that I must use the commando 'xdriver=vesa' when starting
the Installation: 

So i pressed 'tab' and insert this commando at the end. 
But the Monitor goes again Blank. 

Here is the Commando i tried: 
vmlinuz ks=cdrom:/isolinux/ks.cfg initrd=initrd.img skipddc

Im also tried other commandos like 'lowres' 'resolution=640x480' 'text'
and so on, but nothing helped to pass through to the Installer Gui.  

Can you guys help me with this problem?

Thanks for your help in advance.



Server:  Asus eeeBox B202 | Ubuntu Server 9.10 | Squeezebox Server
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Player: 1x SB Classic | 1x SB Duet | 1x SB Boom | soon 1x SB Touch
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