a dummy package means building a dummy debian package with no actual
content and a provides line. If you don't know about package building,
ignore this advice.

I just noticed that on my debian the mysql-server-5.0 package also
provides mysql-server-5.1. Looks like ubuntu packs different.

you can try to override the dependency check manual. 

your ubuntu system should have installed mysql-server, mysql-client and
all other dependencies of squeezeboxserver.

so in a terminal you write

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev perl

this should ensure (on ubuntu) that mysql-server and client are version

then you can try to force the installation of the squeezebox server

dpkg --force-depends squeezeboxserver_7.4.1_all.deb

In my opinion there should be no problem with SBS and mysql 5.1. No old
features have gone away, only a few timestamp bugs have been introduced,
and most likely SBS is not using any overly complicated sql statements.

Can some offical developer state if the sbs is compatible with mysql
5.1 (at least it is running here)? I could look into an unoffical
repacking of the deb (if i find the sources) that also accepts mysql

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