No idea if this is complete, but, here is the output of 

# grep "\-\-"

  use constant TRANSCODING  => ( grep { /--notranscoding/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1;
  use constant PERFMON      => ( grep { /--perfwarn/ } @ARGV ) ? 1 : 0;
  use constant DEBUGLOG     => ( grep { /--no(?:debug|info)log/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 
  use constant INFOLOG      => ( grep { /--noinfolog/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1;
  use constant STATISTICS   => ( grep { /--nostatistics/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1;
  use constant SB1SLIMP3SYNC=> ( grep { /--nosb1slimp3sync/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1;
  use constant WEBUI        => ( grep { /--noweb/ } @ARGV ) ? 0 : 1;
  Usage: $0 [--diag] [--daemon] [--stdio]
  [--logdir <logpath>]
  [--logfile <logfilepath|syslog>]
  [--user <username>]
  [--group <groupname>]
  [--httpport <portnumber> [--httpaddr <listenip>]]
  [--cliport <portnumber> [--cliaddr <listenip>]]
  [--priority <priority>]
  [--prefsdir <prefspath> [--pidfile <pidfilepath>]]
  [--perfmon] [--perfwarn=<threshold> | --perfwarn <warn options>]
  [--checkstrings] [--charset <charset>]
  [--noweb] [--notranscoding] [--nosb1slimp3sync] [--nostatistics]
  [--logging <logging-spec>] [--noinfolog | --nodebuglog]
  --help           => Show this usage information.
  --cachedir       => Directory for Squeezebox Server to save cached music and 
web data
  --diag           => Use diagnostics, shows more verbose errors.
  --logdir         => Specify folder location for log file
  --logfile        => Specify a file for error logging.  Specify 'syslog' to 
log to syslog.
  --noLogTimestamp => Don't add timestamp to log output
  --daemon         => Run the server in the background.
  --stdio          => Use standard in and out as a command line interface 
  --user           => Specify the user that server should run as.
  --group          => Specify the group that server should run as.
  --httpport       => Activate the web interface on the specified port.
  --httpaddr       => Activate the web interface on the specified IP address.
  --cliport        => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP interface
  --cliaddr        => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP 
  --prefsdir       => Specify the location of the preferences directory
  --pidfile        => Specify where a process ID file should be stored
  --quiet          => Minimize the amount of text output
  --playeraddr     => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect 
  --priority       => set process priority from -20 (high) to 20 (low)
  --streamaddr     => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect
  --nodebuglog     => Disable all debug-level logging (compiled out).
  --noinfolog      => Disable all debug-level & info-level logging (compiled 
  --nosetup        => Disable setup via http.
  --noserver       => Disable web access server settings, but leave player 
settings accessible.
  --noweb          => Disable web interface. JSON-RPC, Comet, and artwork web 
APIs are still enabled.
  --nosb1slimp3sync=> Disable support for SliMP3s, SB1s and associated 
  --nostatistics   => Disable the TracksPersistent table used to keep to 
statistics across rescans (compiled out).
  --notranscoding  => Disable transcoding support.
  --noupnp         => Disable UPnP subsystem
  --perfmon        => Enable internal server performance monitoring
  --perfwarn       => Generate log messages if internal tasks take longer than 
specified threshold
  --failsafe       => Don't load plugins
  --checkstrings   => Enable reloading of changed string files for plugin 
  --charset        => Force a character set to be used, eg. utf8 on Linux 
  --dbtype         => Force database type (valid values are MySQL or SQLite)
  --logging        => Enable logging for the specified comma separated 
        # make --logging and --debug synonyms, but prefer --logging
                @argv = grep { $_ ne '--daemon' } @argv;
        # we were passed '--user root' or any other used with uid 0.

Note that this is from the 7.5 embedded code.

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