Nazz;526694 Wrote: 
> I am wondering if it actually does any good to the HD life and power
> consumption spinning-down drives if they are being woken up every 3
> minutes when a new song is played. I would assume HD firmware to be
> optimized for power consumption when in idle.

Why would you set the HD to spin up and down every 3 minutes?  When you
are playing songs, your HD would not spin down at all.  HD spin down
time is defined by user in most operating systems.  It is the duration
that if there is no disk access at all that the disk will spin down.  

Most people would set this time between 15min to a couple of hours to
make more sense.  Say for example, if you set the time to 30min, the HD
only spins down if there was no activity in the past 30 minutes.  If you
are using your computer or playing songs with your squeezebox, the HD
will not spin down at all.  However, when you stopped using your
computer, or stopped squeezebox, your server will spin the HD down after
30min.  It could be a huge energy save as for a lot of people they will
only listen to music a couple of hours a day.  In this scenario, your HD
will only be powered up and down a couple of times a day and HD life
would not be affected.

On the other hand, there could be some spin down issues with notebook
drives used in a server (which is a different problem).  Notebook drives
have firmware designed to spin down during short inactivity to save more
power.  In a server environment, depends on the OS, this could cause
repeated load and unload cycle causing excessive wear.

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