bluenote;571482 Wrote: 
> Just purchased a Squeezebox Boom.  Am running Linux Mint, thanks to a
> geek friend, who is unfortunately out of town for a week.   He loaded
> Squeezebox Server software before he left.   I then received the Boom,
> set it up, and internet radio works fine, but it can't see my music
> files on my laptop.  Called logitech customer support, who admitted
> that there was almost nobody there who knew anything about Linux, but
> they tried.
> Two things I took from that long conversation:  my sqeeze server is not
> installed correctly, because when I type the URL, what
> comes up is not exactly what should come up (I get a log-in box in the
> middle of screen).   He also told me that I need to open ports TCP
> 9000, TCP 3483, and UDP 3483.
> My computer skills are average at best, and I know next to nothing
> about how to deal with this operating system of mine.   Can anyone out
> there help me ?

first let's see if you can access SbS.  On any computer on your Local
Area Network (LAN) type the following in your webbrowser:

except change  to whatever the IP address of the computer
that is running SqueezeBoxServer (SbS).

If you are in the webbrowser of the computer that is also running SbS,
type the following:


With either of these approaches, you should see SqueezeboxServer open
up in your webbrowser.

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