Been cleaning up my music library, adding album art, removing duplicates
and whatnot. After some progress I decided to rescan my library only to
find out on the Squeezebox Server Information page that under the entry
"Library Statistics: No music library configured"

Took a look at my server logs and found out:
[10-08-07 15:33:39.1497]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (308) Unable
to get players from SN: Timed out waiting for data, retrying in 300
[10-08-07 18:51:45.3424] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (82)
Error: DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: *MySQL server has
gone away* 


[10-08-10 06:10:51.1739]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (308) Unable
to get players from SN: *Couldn't resolve IP address for:
mysqueezebox_com*, retrying in 300 seconds

I was able to play internet radio but not my music from my desktop

I removed and reinstalled squeezeboxserver and was able to view my
music from localhost:9000 and select a song to play. Sadly the
controller did not let me select anything else. When I selected "My
Music" all I got was "Switch Library" as an option. That's it's current
state. I can view and play music on my MacBook Pro with no problem.

When I try to stop and start squeezeboxserver, this is what happens:
$ squeezeboxserver stop
Can't open /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log (Permission denied) at
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/Log/Log4perl/Appender/ line

More recently I found lis in the server log:
[10-08-23 20:45:26.3761] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(198) *Unable to login to, sync is disabled: Invalid
mysqueezebox_com username or password.* (mysqueezebox_com)
[10-08-23 20:45:26.3766] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error
(212) mysqueezebox_com sync init failed: *Invalid
username or password*., will retry in 9000 (mysqueezebox_com)

So I reset the password for the Then I reset the
controller to factory settings. I even pulled the battery out of the
controller. Every time I turn off my stereo and receiver, I power down
the power strip so there's no "vampire" electrical usage.

Not really sure where to go from here. Appears that others are having
similar troubles. None fit exactly with my case. Hoping that by
including as much information as I can will lead to some kernel of hope
or help.

- Controller firmware version: 7.5.1 r8885
- Receiver firmware version: 65
- Router details: Apple, Airport Extreme Base Station, 7.4.2
- What connection method are you using? All wireless
- Squeezebox Server: v7.5.1
- Ubuntu 10.04

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