I know this subject had come up a few times in the past, but I haven't
found anything more recent than 2008(ish), so I hope nobody minds if I
give it another go with a new thread.

Currently there is support only for i386 and amd64 architectures.
However, for those on an armel architecture all there is to do to
install squeezeboxserver is download the .deb file and install it
manually. In fact, both i386 and amd64 sections point to the same files
on the "pool", so my guess would be that simply adding the armel section
to point to the same pool files would be enough. I guess the reason
installing the .deb files on arm arch works is that such .deb files
already include binaries for the arm architecture.

So, could we have a repo for arm achitecture?

Thank you dear developers/maintainers for taking this into
consideration once again...!

PS: I am willfully not mentioning the fact that currently there is a
problem with installations on systems with perl 5.12.3: from my
understanding this is an issue common with all architectures and for
which (1) there is a workaround (88250) and (2) the
problem will soon be permanently fixed

sim909's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36685
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=88303

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