My apologies for the cross post, I hope my desperation is sufficient


First, the facts:

Ubuntu 11.04
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.2 - r33821 @ Thu Feb 9 02:08:58 PST
2 SB Radios
1 Boom
1 SB 2, Old School

Until last week, I had a SB network with my original Ubuntu 11.04
server and the Boom + SB2 working flawlessly. I haven't been to the
forums since 2008 or so.

Last week, upgraded my home server and, since then, am pulling my hair
out. I am approaching Spousal Failure Alert.

The symptoms I get are this: when I attempt to connect to the LMS, the
individual units fail (each with different messages and results), yet
the LMS can see them.

- The SB radios first "connect" just fine, but have a home menu limited
to Now Playing, My Music, and Settings. If I go to My Music, it attempts
to connect to my LMS, fails, and returns me to the home menu. If I power
cycle the unit, my home menu comes back with more options, including the
ability to switch to

- The SB2 connects, but playing music produces silence.

- The Boom connects, but playing music acts as though it's on permanent
pause. The tracks never move. No sound.

I've tried everything I can think of, am grateful for any suggestions.

More notes:
- From the WWW interface, I can see all of the units. When I attempt to
control them, they don't do anything on the unit side, though the server
things it's working (visually, anyway).
- The individual units can connect to no problem (when
I can get to those menu items) and work fine in that mode.
- I have purged and reloaded numerous versions of the LMS, even going
back to 7.4, same problems.
- I am not aware of any firewall or apparmor problems. In fact, I've
removed apparmor completely and opened up everything just to try to
solve this problem.
- The networking diagnostics on the different units report no problems.

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