JackOfAll wrote: 
> I've made an updated release candidate image, CSOS RC2. web-gui (index
> page) availability is averaging 23-25 seconds from being allocated an IP
> Address via dhcp after booting. That's the best it is going to get for
> the moment. I can probably shave a few more seconds off, but that's
> basically the time it's going to take for tomcat to start and deploy the
> app.
> 'CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-RC2-20130402-1.img.7z'
> (http://www.communitysqueeze.org/images/wandboard/CSOS/CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-RC2-20130402-1.img.7z)
First of all, really great work!

Some feedback from my setup after installing RC2.

The first time I accidentally entered the wrong passphrase when setting
up the Wifi, obviously this resulted in that the wifi didn't work but
after a few reboots and figuring out that I had entered the wrong
passphrase it started to expose itself over duplicate IP addresses (both
using WifI) and the connection was really bad and went up and down all
the time. I'm sorry if I can't be more specific, just thought I'd
mention it in case someone else does the same mistake. I ended up
re-writing the image to the SD card to start over again. If it's of
interest I could try to reproduce it, but then it would be great to know
if you want me to look at some specific files or logs when it happens
again, it was a bit hard to troubleshoot since the connection when up
and down so it wasn't even possible to reliably connect to it with ssh.

The "Save" button on the Wifi page is placed a bit badly because I
didn't notice it the first time, I just noticed the "Reboot" button at
the bottom and entered my Wifi network data and clicked Reboot, which of
course resulted in that it didn't save any settings.

When specifying the Wifi data and clicking save, the result is that the
networking seems to be restarted which in my setup resulted in that the
Ethernet address got a new IP and the web page didn't work. I had to
manually switch the IP in the url in the web browser to match the
address the Wifi or new Ethernet IP addresses.

The WiFi settings page list a lot less WiFi networks than I see on other
devices. Not sure if it's the WiFi strength (I have the external antenna
connected) or if it's some timeout so it requires more time to find all
network. As an example it didn't find the Airport Extreme in the same
room but it find my D-Link router from another room. It's not big issue
for me personally since the Airport Extreme didn't work previously so
I'm currently using the D-Link which works.

Would probably be a good idea to place a "Shutdown" and "Reboot" button
on the Home page. I guess it's preferred if people shutdown properly
instead of just unplugging the power, at least now in the beginning
until all issues have been solved.

The parameters in the WiFi settings could be a bit confusing to someone
not used to network configuration. While "ESSID" and "Wireless PSK"
makes sense to technical users it could be confusing terms for less
technical audiophiles. Using "Wireless network (ESSID)" and "Passphrase
(PSK)" would probably make it a little bit more clear. Another thing
that also might be good is to have a "Static/DHCP" option where "DHCP"
is default and when selecting that the IP address and DNS address fields
are disabled to avoid confusing for non technical users.

Outgoing connections outside the local network didn't work when I had
both Ethernet and WiFi connected. Disconnecting the Ethernet cable
solved it.
I noticed the problem because LMS wouldn't allow me to click "Next" on
the initial setup wizard after entering the network credentials. After
this I logged in via ssh and realized the wandboard couldn't ping
www.google.com or mysqueezebox.com. I disconnected the Ethernet cable
and rebooted and after that it worked again.

Some data in case it's a routing issue:

  [fedora@wandboard ~]$ route
  Kernel IP routing table
  Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
  default         UG    0      0        0 eth0      *        U     0      0        0 wlan0      *        U     0      0        0 eth0
  [fedora@wandboard ~]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf 
  # Generated by NetworkManager
  domain bredbandsbolaget.se
  search bredbandsbolaget.se
  [fedora@wandboard ~]$ 

I'll try if I can reliably reproduce the problem a bit later after I've
tested that everything else works correctly.
Local network accessed worked because I could mount the disk from the
NAS and ping machines on the local network.

The Squeezelite player which I setup before LMS, connected to my
Sheevaplug so I didn't see it in LMS by default. Switching it to LMS
solved the problem and it's probably not a big issue since I suspect
most people will just have a single LMS server, I just thought I'd
mention it. I guess the reason for it is that squeezelite tries to
connect to the first LMS it finds and since LMS on the wandboard wasn't
running at the time it picked the sheevaplug instead.

Anyway, really great work, it's not scanning my library and playing
music using the analog output simultaneously.

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